Adding myPueo Calendars to (iPad) Calendar app

Tutorial Description:  myPueo calendars are helpful, but users must log into myPueo to see them.  In this tutorial, students will subscribe to myPueo calendars (like Assignments, Games/Practices, Class Events or Group Events) in the iPad Calendar app.  Users can also subscribe to School Calendars (All School Holidays and Breaks, Preschool/Elementary/Middle/High School, or School Athletics calendars) using this process.

Subscribe to a myPueo calendar

  1. In a web browser (Safari or Chrome), log in to myPueo
  1. Tap on Calendar.
  1. Tap on the WebCal Feed button on the right.
  1. Identify the calendars you want to subscribe to.

For Students:  Your calendars from your classes, groups/clubs, advisory will be in My Calendars.  Tap on the black arrow next to Individual Filter Feeds for individual calendars.

It is recommended to import individual calendar feeds - not the combination of calendars into one calendar ("Entire Calendar: My Calendars").  Students can deselect which calendars are viewable in the Calendar app.  It can get overwhelming seeing all the events in one feed.

  1. Tap on the link for that calendar.  The Calendar app will open.  

If the Calendar app does not open, please contact your Educational Technologist.

  1. A window will appear on the bottom left.  
  1. Scroll down the window, and tap Subscribe.
  1. At the next screen, give the calendar a name, and click Add.
  1. The calendar will appear in a section for Subscribed.
  1. Repeat steps 5-9 this process for additional calendars.

View/Hide a calendar

Tip:  Hiding a calendar can be helpful if you have many calendars showing.  You can turn on/off view access for any calendar.

  1. To view a calendar, tap on the circle next to the calendar's name.  A check will appear, and events from that calendar will appear in your calendar.
  1. To hide a calendar, tap on the checkmarked circle next to the calendar's name.  Events from that calendar will not appear in your calendar.