Adding myPueo Calendars to (iPad) Calendar app
Tutorial Description: myPueo calendars are helpful, but users must log into myPueo to see them. In this tutorial, students will subscribe to myPueo calendars (like Assignments, Games/Practices, Class Events or Group Events) in the iPad Calendar app. Users can also subscribe to School Calendars (All School Holidays and Breaks, Preschool/Elementary/Middle/High School, or School Athletics calendars) using this process.
Table of Contents
Subscribe to a myPueo calendar
- In a web browser (Safari or Chrome), log in to myPueo
- Tap on Calendar.
- Tap on the WebCal Feed button on the right.
- Identify the calendars you want to subscribe to.
For Students: Your calendars from your classes, groups/clubs, advisory will be in My Calendars. Tap on the black arrow next to Individual Filter Feeds for individual calendars.
It is recommended to import individual calendar feeds - not the combination of calendars into one calendar ("Entire Calendar: My Calendars"). Students can deselect which calendars are viewable in the Calendar app. It can get overwhelming seeing all the events in one feed.
- Tap on the link for that calendar. The Calendar app will open.
If the Calendar app does not open, please contact your Educational Technologist.
- A window will appear on the bottom left.
- Scroll down the window, and tap Subscribe.
- At the next screen, give the calendar a name, and click Add.
- The calendar will appear in a section for Subscribed.
- Repeat steps 5-9 this process for additional calendars.
View/Hide a calendar
Tip: Hiding a calendar can be helpful if you have many calendars showing. You can turn on/off view access for any calendar.
- To view a calendar, tap on the circle next to the calendar's name. A check will appear, and events from that calendar will appear in your calendar.
- To hide a calendar, tap on the checkmarked circle next to the calendar's name. Events from that calendar will not appear in your calendar.