Student Help SitemyPueoIntroductionmyPueo - Resources, Groups, News, Calendar

myPueo - Resources, Groups, News, Calendar

  1. Click on Resources to see general school information for parents and students.  Resource Boards are organized sites for information, resources, links, lunch menus, and much more.  
  1. If you are an member of a group or activity you can find specific information in Groups. This will include "Class of" (grade level) pages, clubs, athletics, etc.
  1. Hover over News and select either Featured Content (see 5. My Day), Recent Activity, Scoreboard, or Archived Content.  The Scoreboard contains scores posted by the athletics department and Archived Content is where to find any old news posting.
  1. Click Calendar in the top menu to see all school, events, holidays, athletic games and practices.  Each calendar has different categories (Assignments, Schedule, Games/Practices, Class Events, Group Events).  The calendar default view shows you all categories on the calendar at once.
  2. In the left column, you will see groups of calendars.  Students will see Assignments, Schedule, Games/Practices, Class Events, and Group Events.
  1. Parents will see the calendar of any group you are associated with.
  2. You also have the calendars for your child(ren) including the assignment for all classes.
  1. The last item on the left column is School Calendars.
  2. Categories - any calendar that has  ">" next to the category name.  This means that there are sub-categories. Click on the ">" next to the name to expand the list to customize your view of events
  1. Click on the box to the left of a category to toggle it on/off in the calendar view.
  1. After setting up your calendar view to your specification, you can click the Save button.  The next time you view Calendar it will default to this saved view.

WebCal Feed for External Calendar -To subscribe to the feeds below, right click the link for the desired feed and click the Copy Link Address option. Events for the past 2 months and the upcoming 12 months will be included in the feed. It may take up to an hour for any setting changes to be reflected in your external calendars.

  1. Click on the RSS button on the calendar interface to set up calendar subscription to your devices
  1. A window pops up for WebCal Feed for External Calendar.
  2. Drop down any arrow to see more details for the calendar
  3. Choose which calendars you want to subscribe to and then right click on the link to copy the address and add to Gmail, iCal or Outlook
  4. Click Save

iCal - you can adjust the refresh time to the calendars.

Gmail - auto refreshes every 8 hours

Outlook - you can adjust the refresh time to the calendars.