Student Help SitemyPueoIntroductionmyPueo - Messages (Internal Messaging)

myPueo - Messages (Internal Messaging)

Internal messaging should be used only for one-to-one communication. Messages cannot be forwarded to other Mid-Pacific constituents.  

All messages are saved in the system, there is no way to delete any message once sent.

Please note:  Elementary and Middle School students' email accounts cannot send nor receive email outside the Mid-Pacific domain (faculty/staff/students).  Using myPueo Messages allows parents to message/email their student during the school day.

  1. Click Messages along the top menu bar to access myPueo Messages.

You will see a red "badge" when you have a new message.  Depending on how you have your notifications set up you may get an email or text message alerting you to the new message.

  1. In Messages, you will see a list of previous messages.
  2. Click on Compose message to send a new message
  1. Type in the recipient's name (not email address).  
  2. To allow recipients to Reply All, click on the box.  If left unchecked, recipients can only reply to sender.
  3. Enter a subject.
  4. Type in the message.
  5. Click Send Message.
  1. To respond to a previous message, click on the message title in the Message list.
  1. The Messages window opens.
  2. Type in your message.
  3. Click Reply or Reply to All.

You can also message using one of the many links on pages throughout the system.  In the example below, the user is on the Progress tab under My Day.

  1. Click on the box Message to open a new message. In the example below, we are messaging Mr. Jinbo from the Progress tab listing enrolled classes.
  1. Check the name to make sure you are messaging the right person
  2. Type in your message.
  3. Click Send Message.