Student Help SiteCanvasCanvas FeaturesViewing the Final Assessment/Grade for Summer Program (Elementary)

Viewing the Final Assessment/Grade for Summer Program (Elementary)

Tutorial Description: In this tutorial, elementary school students and parents will learn how to view the Final Assessment/Grade for summer program in Canvas.

Only computers and tablets are supported, phones are not.

These tutorials are based on using your device's web browser, not the app.

Viewing the Final Assessment/Grade on a Computer or Tablet

  1. In the Canvas Global Navigation Menu on the left, select Courses.
  2. Select the course that you would like to view for the Final Assessment/Grade.
  1. You will be taken to the course Home Page. Select the VIEW FINAL ASSESSMENT/GRADE button.
  1. On the left side, select the Final Assessment/Guide link.

5. View the message from the instructor on the right side of the page.

6. Repeat steps 1-5 to view the Final Assessment/Grade for another course.