Student Help SiteShowbieDigital PortfolioElementary Showbie Portfolio - Formatting

Elementary Showbie Portfolio - Formatting

Tutorial Description:  Section one of this tutorial provides an example of the student's digital portfolio. Section two maps out the process of renaming artifacts and reflections for the viewer to easily identify the artifact subject, learner profile trait, year, and semester. Section three explains the process of adding content to the digital portfolio in the correct order.

1. Portfolio Example

  1. Portfolio Tab
  2. Portfolio Content

2. Renaming Artifacts and Reflections

Renaming for portfolio artifacts and reflections. The same format will apply to both artifacts (pictures, documents, voice notes, etc.) and reflections.

  1. Subject
  2. Learner Profile Trait
  3. Year and Semester

3. Adding Content to Portfolio

When adding content to the student portfolio, first star your reflection then star your artifact. The portfolio reads top down and will stack items on top of one another. See example below.

  1. Star reflection first.
  2. Star artifact second.