Student Help SiteGoogle AppsMeetGoogle Meet: Student Laptop/Desktop

Google Meet: Student Laptop/Desktop

Tutorial Description: This tutorial will introduce the basic steps for students to attend an online class using Google Meet. Google Meet is a video conferencing application in the Google Suite.  When using a laptop or desktop computer for the Meet session, students must have the current version of Google Chrome browser installed.

Table Of Contents

1. Install the Google Chrome browser

You must use the Google Chrome browser to use Google Meet on your computer.  If you do not have Google Chrome on your computer please install it now.  It is a free download.

2. Access the Google Meet app

Using the Google Chrome browser you already have access to the G Suite Apps which includes Google Meet.   

1.   To access the Google login use this link:

2.   Login to your school Gmail account ending with

3.   On the right side of the top menu bar click on the 9 dots Google apps icon (Google Apps menu).

4.   In the Google Apps menu click on the Google Meet app (green video camera icon).

If you don't see the Meet icon you may have to scroll down the page.  You can reposition the Meet icon to a more convenient location in the app menu by clicking and dragging it to the desired position.

5.   After clicking on the Meet icon the Join Meeting page loads

Keep in mind that the background graphic changes regularly and may not look exactly like this but the essential elements will still be there.


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3. Join a Google Meeting

  1. Login to MyPueo and go to the bulletin board for the specific class meeting that you want to join.
  2. Your teacher should have posted a link with the date for that specific meeting.
  1. Click on the link.  It will take you directly to the Join page for that meeting.
  2. Click on the Join now button.  It will take you to the main meeting window.
  1. After successfully joining the meeting you will end up on a page that looks like this.  
  2. Immediately click on the microphone button at the bottom of the window to mute the microphone.  When muted the button will turn red.  If you forget to do this you may have feedback problems (irritating squealing sounds).  If prompted to speak by the teacher you will need to unmute the microphone button then mute it again when you are done speaking.

4. Join a Google Meeting (alternate method)

  1. Login to MyPueo and go to the bulletin board for the specific class meeting that you want to join.
  2. Your teacher should have posted a link with the date for that specific meeting.
  3. Find the link to the meeting then look for the last 10 digits of the link (highlighted in yellow below).  This is referred to as the 10 digit meeting code.  It will be made up of lower case letters grouped as xxx-xxxx-xxx.  COPY THIS CODE.
  1. Start up Google Chrome and type in the following URL:
  1. Login to your school Gmail account (ending with
  2. On the right side of the top menu bar click on the 9 dots Google apps icon (Google Apps menu).
  1. In the Google Apps menu click on the Google Meet app (green video camera icon).
  1. After clicking on the Meet icon the Join Meeting page loads.  Check the date/time to confirm the meeting.
  2. Click on the Use a meeting code (green) button.
  1. Enter the 10 digit meeting code then click continue.
  1. After successfully joining the meeting you will end up on a page that looks like this.  
  2. Immediately click on the microphone button at the bottom of the window to mute the microphone.  When muted the button will turn red.  If you forget to do this you may have feedback problems (irritating squealing sounds).  If prompted to speak by the teacher you will need to unmute the microphone button then mute it again when you are done speaking.

5. Orientation and Navigation in your Google Meeting

Google Meeting Window Orientation

  1. Main Meeting window - The teacher will appear here when you PIN them.
  2. People Mode Button - Shows all meeting attendees in the right column when clicked.
  3. Chat Mode Button - Shows ongoing group chat in the right column when clicked.
  4. Meeting Details - Shows meeting information including the URL and 10 digit meeting code
  5. Microphone, End Meeting, Camera controls - controls the camera, microphone and End Meeting button.
  6. Closed Caption - Shows english text of interactions
  7. Present Now - Allows user to present materials on the Main Meeting window.
  8. More Options - Shows additional options such as layout changes and additional settings.

People & Chat Modes

  1. The People and Chat displays will appear in the right column when their respective buttons are clicked.  When a mode is active its button will turn green.  You can switch between the two modes at any time.  
  2. To send a message in Chat mode type your question or comment in the box at the bottom then click on the paper airplane to send.

Pinning Teachers and Presentations to the Main Meet Window

  1. When in People mode you will be able to "PIN" anyone who is listed in the right column.  When you pin someone they will appear in the main Meet window.  To Pin someone simply click on them.  You should start every session by Pinning the teacher.
  2. If the teacher is presenting you can Pin the presentation separately from the teacher.  You can switch between the teacher and presentation by clicking on what you want to view from the list in People mode.

Microphone, End Meeting, Video Camera Controls

  1. At the bottom of the main Meet window you will see 3 buttons that control the microphone, meeting connection and video camera.
  2. Clicking on the microphone button will mute your microphone.  Clicking on your video camera will mute your video camera.  When muted the buttons will turn red.  Click again to unmute.
  3. When your microphone is muted you will see a red muted mic icon next to your name in the right column when you are in People mode.
  4. The handset button in the middle controls your meeting connection.  Clicking on it will will end your meeting.  DO NOT CLICK ON THIS BUTTON.  Your teacher will remove you from the meeting when the session is over.

BEST PRACTICE - As soon as you join the Meet please mute your microphone.  Your microphone should be muted whenever you are not talking.

DO NOT End you meeting by clicking the handset button.  You teacher will remove you from the meeting when your session is over.

Closed Captioning (CC)

  1. The Closed Captioning button is located in the lower right area of the main Meet window.  When clicked the Closed Captioning feature will display subtitles at the bottom of the Meet window.

6. Ways you can participate in a Google Meet session

  1. Speaking during a Meet.  If prompted to by your teacher, you can unmute yourself (click once on the screen, at the bottom - leftmost icon), announce your name, and give your response.  

Example:  "Hi - This is John Smith.  I think that oatmeal is the best breakfast because..."

  1. Chatting during a Meet.  Click once on the screen and click on the Chat icon on the top right.  You can ask questions or participate in discussions by typing in the box at the bottom.  Please keep in mind - Chats will be archived, so please keep the conversation focused on the class, not socializing!

7. Helpful hints for a successful Google Meet session

  • If you need to step away from the Google Meet session - perhaps to use the restroom, or you have a question - use the Chat feature (click on the screen, top right corner - there is a chat icon).
  • If you cannot hear the speaker, raise your hand to your ear and/or leave a message in the Chat.
  • If your teacher asks you to speak, unmute your microphone and count to 5.  Introduce yourself - "Hello, this is John Smith..." before answering the teacher's question.
  • If you join the Google Meet session late - quietly listen to the session already in progress.  If you need further help, ask for help at the end of the time of instruction in the chat feature


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8. Once Google Meet session is over

  1. Your teacher will excuse you from the Google Meet session.  DO NOT CLICK ON THE HANG UP BUTTON.
  1. Your teacher will remove you from the Google Meet, and you will see a message displayed.  Click Ok.

Clicking on the link from myPueo or email does not work.

  1. If Google Meet does not open when you click the link, you can enter the 10 digit Meeting code at the Google Meet code prompt.  It is the last part of the URL.  You must include the hyphens.
  1. Open Google Meet, and click on Enter a Meeting code.
  1. Enter the code from the URL, and click Join meeting.

I cannot hear my teacher/classmates and/or my teacher/classmates cannot hear me.

  1. Please check that the volume is turned up on your iPad.
  2. Check your iPad Settings in Sound.
  3. Can you hear sound from other apps?