Google Meet: Student iPad
Tutorial Description: This tutorial will introduce the basic steps for students to attend an online class using Google Meet. Google Meet is a video conferencing application in the Google Suite. When using your iPad for the Meet session, students must have the Google Hangout Meet app installed.
Table Of Contents
1. Installing the Google Meet app
All school-issued iPads should have Google Meet installed. If it is not installed, or you plan to use a different device, please follow the steps below.
- Search for the app Hangouts Meet by Google in the App Store. For the remainder of this tutorial, we will refer to the app as "Google Meet"
- Install the app by clicking Get
2. Initial Google Meet set up
- Once installed, click on the app to launch it.
- Click Continue
- You must allow access to your camera, Click OK.
- If you do not click OK, your teacher will not be able to see you
- You must allow access to your microphone, Click OK
- If you do not click OK, your teacher will not be able to hear you if you choose to speak
- Click Sign in and select your student gmail account
- Students cannot create their own Meets - only join Teacher-created Meets. Click Got it
3. Attending a Google Meet session
Elementary, Middle and High School teachers will post the link to class Meets on myPueo on the class Bulletin Board page. Elementary School teachers will email link to students as a back up.
- Click on the link from myPueo
- Google Meet should open, with the Google Meet session information in it
- Mute your microphone
Check your soundings for inappropriate items, the video is live.
- Click Ask to Join
Please wait patiently while your teacher admits you to the class Meet.
- Once admitted in the Google Meet, pin your teacher's camera to your screen - so that it is the main focus on your iPad screen. To do this, tap once on the screen. On the top right, tap on the icon of people.
- Find your teacher's name in the list. Click once on your teacher's name (not the image) and click on the arrow
- Click on the pushpin icon
Note: There may be a delay in the streamed video (audio may be faster), so please be patient!
You can do these steps for any speaker in class!
4. Ways you can participate in a Google Meet
- Speaking during a Meet. If prompted to by your teacher, you can unmute yourself (click once on the screen, at the bottom - leftmost icon), announce your name, and give your response.
Example: "Hi - This is John Smith. I think that oatmeal is the best breakfast because..."
- Chatting during a Meet. Click once on the screen and click on the Chat icon on the top right. You can ask questions or participate in discussions by typing in the box at the bottom. Please keep in mind - Chats will be archived, so please keep the conversation focused on the class, not socializing!
5. Helpful hints for a successful Google Meet session
- If you need to step away from the Google Meet session - perhaps to use the restroom, or you have a question - use the Chat feature (click on the screen, top right corner - there is a chat icon).
- If you cannot hear the speaker, raise your hand to your ear and/or leave a message in the Chat.
- If your teacher asks you to speak, unmute your microphone and count to 5. Introduce yourself - "Hello, this is John Smith..." before answering the teacher's question.
- If you join the Google Meet session late - quietly listen to the session already in progress. If you need further help, ask for help at the end of the time of instruction in the chat feature
6. Once your Google Meet session is over
- Your teacher will excuse you from the Google Meet session. DO NOT CLICK ON THE HANG UP BUTTON.
- Your teacher will remove you from the Google Meet, and you will see a message displayed. Click Ok.
7. Troubleshooting Google Meet
Clicking on the link from myPueo or email does not work.
- If Google Meet does not open when you click the link, you can enter the 10 digit Meeting code at the Google Meet code prompt. It is the last part of the URL. You must include the hyphens.
- Open Google Meet, and click on Enter a Meeting code.
- Enter the code from the URL, and click Join meeting.
I cannot hear my teacher/classmates and/or my teacher/classmates cannot hear me.
- Please check that the volume is turned up on your iPad.
- Check your iPad Settings in Sound.
- Can you hear sound from other apps?